Please read these forum rules before creating posting!
These are our forum rules. Please take a moment to read them because your ability to participate in this forum is contingent on your adherence to these rules:
1. Owning a bird requires maturity, thus we expect all of our members to act maturely. If someone cannot be mature, they should not be on this forum nor own a bird. Disrespect, insults, and personal attacks will just reflect poorly on the poster. Mature individuals with valid supported arguments will always come off better than someone who is disrespectful.
2. No parrot politics. We don't care what school of thought you belong to or what authors you've read. Feel free to debate these issues on the forum using logic and evidence. We expect everyone to hold the wellbeing of their birds first and foremost and not forum or parrot trainer politics.
3. exists for the sole purpose of exchanging information and educating other bird owners about improving the well being of their parrots. Anyone who is not here to learn about and respectfully discuss parrot welfare does not belong in this forum and will be kindly asked to leave.
4. Parrot owners of all levels are welcome, from first time owners to experts. It is expected that every member is here to learn information or share knowledge. Inexperienced owners should make an effort to help themselves before asking help from others; this includes reading the articles on, gaining knowledge through other outside sources and thinking for yourself. Experienced bird owners should do their best at assisting with elementary questions and not look down on inexperienced owners.
5. Any information suggested to you on is opinion based and no one is forcing you to do it. Gather all the knowledge you can, use common sense, seek professional advice, and be safe.
6. should not replace the advice of a professional veterinarian. is not liable for any damages as a result of the information that is posted and cannot guarantee that this information is accurate, useful or complete. Any information that is posted expresses the view of its author. Use all content and information at your own risk. Contact a professional before using any content on this forum. It is advisable to contact a veterinarian if your bird is sick or injured immediately. Forum members can provide interim advice at best but cannot replace the expert opinion or action a veterinarian can take.
7. Moderator actions such as banning, blocking, locking and deleting hinder learning. However, there are spammers, rule breakers, and trolls, and we will use these methods as a last resort to maintain peace and goodwill on the forum.
8. No advertising, commercial use, or spam. Administrator and moderators have final say in what is considered advertising. Selling or exchanging live birds, cages, or parrot supplies falls under this same category and is not permitted. For the safety of buyers, sellers, and birds alike, the forum does not permit or facilitate any transactions between members or posting of classified ads.
9. reserves the right to remove or not remove any content. If objectionable content is posted, notify the administrator or moderator and the objectionable content will be reviewed within a reasonable time frame. You agree not to post content in violation of any law. is not liable for any message posted by its members which violates any law. Any content posted by members is not necessarily the view of
10. tries to provide as much posting liberty and freedom to members as possible without allowing it to cause harm to others. We do not set restrictions to what kind of signature you can have, what words you are allowed to use, what acronyms you can or cannot use, spelling, grammar, how many emoticons you can use, who you are allowed to private message, etc. With freedom comes responsibility and we hope that our members will use their freedom in a mature manner that is beneficial to their bird and other owners.
Have fun and enjoy the forum!